Recompute Report

Project : Big House Lift Post lift July 08

User name tech Date & Time 6:17:58 PM 8/2/2008
Coordinate System Default Zone Default
Project Datum WGS 1984
Vertical Datum Geoid Model Not selected
Coordinate Units Meters
Distance Units Meters
Height Units Meters


Point Derivations
Survey Data (Observations and Coordinates)

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Error Messages

Point 2100 has been used as a starting point. This point's position is derived from coordinates which are less than survey quality. Make sure you want to use this point to flow out observations from.

Point 93852110 has been used as a starting point. This point's position is derived from coordinates which are less than survey quality. Make sure you want to use this point to flow out observations from.

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Closures have been detected for the following points


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Point Derivations

Observations or coordinates in red are out of tolerance. They have not been used to determine the coordinate of the point.

Resultant coordinates for point : SUMM

Northing Easting Elevation Height
0.000m 0.000m 3255.909m 3255.909m

ID Used to calc. Status D North D East Distance (Horiz) D Elevation D Height
CW1 DAT file (SUMM200807291100b.dat) NEeh Enabled 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m
B1 (2100-SUMM) Enabled -0.901m 3.732m 3.839m 0.171m 0.171m
B2 (2100-SUMM) Enabled -0.903m 3.732m 3.840m 0.169m 0.169m
B3 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.966m 4.250m 4.358m -0.458m -0.458m
B4 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.966m 4.250m 4.359m -0.455m -0.455m
B5 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.967m 4.251m 4.359m -0.456m -0.456m
B6 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.965m 4.251m 4.359m -0.456m -0.456m
B7 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.967m 4.250m 4.359m -0.455m -0.455m
B8 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.966m 4.250m 4.359m -0.455m -0.455m
B9 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.966m 4.250m 4.358m -0.455m -0.455m
B10 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.966m 4.251m 4.359m -0.453m -0.453m
B11 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.965m 4.251m 4.359m -0.453m -0.453m
B12 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.966m 4.250m 4.358m -0.453m -0.453m
B13 (93852110-SUMM) Enabled -0.965m 4.251m 4.360m -0.454m -0.454m

Resultant coordinates for point : 2100

Northing Easting Elevation Height
-37.017m -82.980m 3261.816m 3261.816m

ID Used to calc. Status D North D East Distance (Horiz) D Elevation D Height
C1(soln) DAT file (93852100.dat) NEeh Enabled 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m

Resultant coordinates for point : 93852110

Northing Easting Elevation Height
-36.953m -83.499m 3262.439m 3262.439m

ID Used to calc. Status D North D East Distance (Horiz) D Elevation D Height
C2(soln) DAT file (93852110.dat) NEeh Enabled 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m

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Survey Data


GPS Baselines

ID Source From Pt To Point Solution/Quality Ratio Reference Variance RMS Slope Distance
B1 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 2100 SUMM Fixed 25.1 1.195 0.004m 88.107m
B2 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 2100 SUMM Fixed 11.4 1.460 0.005m 88.107m
B3 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 18.8 1.405 0.006m 88.108m
B4 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 12.2 1.245 0.004m 88.107m
B5 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 12.5 1.262 0.004m 88.107m
B6 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 34.9 1.553 0.005m 88.107m
B7 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 21.1 1.422 0.005m 88.107m
B8 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 43.1 1.572 0.005m 88.107m
B9 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 27.8 1.206 0.005m 88.108m
B10 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 10.8 1.306 0.004m 88.107m
B11 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 24.9 1.465 0.005m 88.107m
B12 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 45.8 1.803 0.005m 88.108m
B13 BL Proc (18:15:05 2 Aug 2008) 93852110 SUMM Fixed 21.3 0.801 0.004m 88.106m


ID Point Name Source Latitude Longitude Height Elevation
C1(geod-WGS) SUMM DAT file (SUMM200807291100b.dat) 72°34'45.07299"N 38°27'25.92000"W 3255.909m ?

ID Point Name Source Quality Latitude Longitude Height
C1(soln) 2100 DAT file (93852100.dat) 72°34'43.87877"N 38°27'34.85587"W 3261.862m
C2(soln) 93852110 DAT file (93852110.dat) 72°34'43.88082"N 38°27'34.91169"W 3262.485m

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