Index of /mirror/summit/ftp/operations/photos/Drift Photos/October 2018/

Big House Outfall.jpg                              30-Aug-2018 17:49              151845
Big House.jpg                                      02-Oct-2018 15:37               96704
Camp -.jpg                                         18-Oct-2018 14:08               21812
Camp Day of summer close.jpg                       04-Sep-2018 13:10              132986
EMB.jpg                                            18-Oct-2018 14:08               16361
Green House North Side.jpeg                        30-Jul-2018 19:12              333934
Green House east Side.jpg                          30-Aug-2018 17:49              108549
Green house South East side.jpg                    18-Oct-2018 14:07               22663
Large Berm buildings.jpg                           02-Oct-2018 15:37               95383
Large Sled - Berm.jpg                              17-Sep-2018 12:24               93525
MSF East Side.jpg                                  18-Oct-2018 14:07               26585
MSF.jpg                                            18-Oct-2018 14:00               76613
North Side Snow melter turbine.jpg                 18-Oct-2018 14:00               87858
Outfall - BH.jpg                                   18-Oct-2018 14:08               26114
Plan Q with sleds inside.jpg                       11-Oct-2018 11:28               74351
SMG East Side.jpg                                  02-Oct-2018 15:37               84934
SMG North Side.jpg                                 18-Oct-2018 14:08               19870
SMG South Side.jpg                                 18-Oct-2018 14:08               25157
SOB left - metal sticking up.jpg                   23-Apr-2019 14:03               84452
Snow Melter East Side.jpg                          18-Oct-2018 14:07               17470
Snow Melter.jpg                                    04-Sep-2018 13:10              109158
Tomato, Dshack Egen.jpg                            18-Oct-2018 14:00               64193
hopper.jpg                                         02-Oct-2018 15:36              132843
vault melter and utilities.jpg                     18-Oct-2018 14:01               87480
vault.jpg                                          18-Oct-2018 14:07               28306