vv Hit space bar to halt download at any time. Turn On Host Computer File Capture Now. Enter Any Key To Continue. * Zeno 3200 System Configuration Menu File * Program Version And Date: ZENO-3200 using ZENOSOFT V2.02 Sep 10 2002 11:29:41 CS B97B * (C)opyright 1995-2002, Coastal Environmental Systems, Seattle, WA, USA. * Menu Setup File Date And Time: 15/06/24 22:15:03 COMMUNICATIONS MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (R) Repeater Menu (M) Modem Menu (Tn) Terminal Mode On COM Port n (P) Power Control Menu (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (G) GOES Menu (U) User Menu (A) ARGOS Menu (Q) Quit (D) Digital Control Menu (H) Help Item 1: 9600 (COM1 Baud Rate) Item 2: 9600 (COM2 Baud Rate) Item 3: 9600 (COM3 Baud Rate) Item 4: RS232 (COM1 Port Type) Item 5: RS232 (COM2 Port Type) Item 6: RS232 (COM3 Port Type) Item 7: COM2 (COM Ports to Exclude from User Interface) Item 8: NO (Enable Exclusive CCSAIL Access) SYSTEM FUNCTIONS MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (I) Contact Information (S) System Date And Time (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (T) Calibrate Internal Temperature (U) User Menu (V) Program Version (Q) Quit (K) Constants Menu (H) Help (B) BIT Names Menu Item 1: 1 (Primary Unit/Experiment ID) Item 2: 3284 (Secondary Unit/Experiment ID) Item 3: 2 (Data Dump Format) Item 4: 1 (Real Time Output Format) Item 5: 0 (Add Compass To Vane) Item 6: 0 (Compass Offset) Item 7: 0 (Barometer Elevation) Item 8: 9999 (Bad Sensor Value Replace) Item 9: (Passthrough Mode Escape Character) SAMPLE PERIOD MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Q) Quit (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (H) Help (U) User Menu Item 1: 60 (Sample Interval Time) Item 2: 59 (Sample Duration Time) Item 3: 0 (Sample Time Offset) MODEM MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (U) User Menu (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (Q) Quit (S) Speech Interface Menu (H) Help Item 1: 0 (System Modem Type) Item 2: NONE (Modem COM Port) Item 3: 5 (Modem Retry Period) Item 4: 0 (Modem Hangup Delay) Item 5: NONE (Modem Telephone Number 1) Item 6: NONE (Modem Telephone Number 2) Item 7: NONE (Modem Telephone Number 3) Item 8: NONE (Modem Telephone Number 4) Item 9: NONE (Modem Initialization String) Item 10: 0 (Modem Switched Voltage) Item 11: 0 (Modem Ring Detect Channel) POWER CONTROL MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Q) Quit (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (H) Help (U) User Menu Item 1: 100 (COM1 Push-To-Talk Setup Time) Item 2: 0 (COM1 Switched Power Code) Item 3: 0 (COM2 Switched Power Code) Item 4: 0 (COM3 Switched Power Code) Item 5: 0 (Response Delay Time (milliseconds) GOES MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (D) Run GOES Diagnostics (U) User Menu (R) Reset GOES Errors (Q) Quit (I) Initialize GOES (H) Help Item 1: 03001190 (Data Collection Platform Address) Item 2: 151 (Self-Timed Transmit Channel Number) Item 3: 00:03:00:00 (Self-Timed Transmission Interval) Item 4: 00:00:00 (Self-Timed Transmission Offset) Item 5: 1 (Transmission Window Length) Item 6: SHORT (Satellite Link Parameter: Preamble) Item 7: 151 (Random Transmit Channel Number) Item 8: 00:00:00 (Random Transmission Interval) Item 9: 00:05:00 (Random Disable Time) Item 10: 100 (GOES Bit Rate) Item 11: NONE (GOES Interleaver) DIGITAL CONTROL MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Q) Quit (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (H) Help (U) User Menu Item 1: 000:00:00 (Power On Interval) Item 2: 000:00:00 (Power On Duration) Item 3: 02/02/12 10:00:00 (Start of First Power On) Item 4: 0 (Control Channel) REPEATER MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (U) User Menu (R) Reset All Repeater Values (Q) Quit (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (H) Help Item 1: Repeater Tranmit Delay 0 msec Item 2: Network Source Address -1 Item 3: Alternative Source Address -1 Item 4: Remote ZENO Address #1 -1 Item 5: Remote ZENO Address #2 -1 Item 6: Remote ZENO Address #3 -1 Item 7: Remote ZENO Address #4 -1 Item 8: Remote ZENO Address #5 -1 Item 9: Remote ZENO Address #6 -1 Item 10: Remote ZENO Address #7 -1 Item 11: Remote ZENO Address #8 -1 ARGOS MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (U) User Menu (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (Q) Quit (D) Display ARGOS Message (H) Help Item 1: 42 (Tranmission Repeat Interval, seconds) Item 2: 1 (Transmission Repeat Count) Item 3: 10 (Radio Push-To-Talk Delay Time, milliseconds) Item 4: 0 (Radio Push-To-Talk Digital Port) Item 5: NO (Use Hour/Min Time Stamp in Message) Item 6: NO (Use Checksum in Final Message Byte) CONSTANTS MENU (Cn/m) Change Constant n to Value m (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (P) Previous Page of Constants (U) User Menu (N) Next Page of Constants (Q) Quit (X) Erase All Constants (H) Help Constants 1 through 20 Constant 1: 1 Constant 11: 0 Constant 2: 0 Constant 12: 0 Constant 3: 0 Constant 13: 0 Constant 4: 0 Constant 14: 0 Constant 5: 0 Constant 15: 0 Constant 6: 0 Constant 16: 0 Constant 7: 0 Constant 17: 0 Constant 8: 0 Constant 18: 0 Constant 9: 0 Constant 19: 0 Constant 10: 0 Constant 20: 9999 SPEECH INTERFACE MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Q) Quit (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (H) Help (U) User Menu Item 1: NO (Speech Interface Installed) Item 2: 0 (Speech Activity Channel) Item 3: 0 (Speech Tone Detect Channel) Item 4: 0 (Speech Switched Voltage) BIT NAMES MENU (Cn/m) Change Bit n to Value m (Q) Quit (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (H) Help (U) User Menu BIT Names 1 through 32 Bit 1: ZENO-3200-Reset Bit 17: Bit 2: Real-Time-Clock-Suspect Bit 18: Bit 3: Logging-Memory-Initialized Bit 19: Bit 4: Serial-Sensor-COM-Fail Bit 20: Bit 5: Bit 21: Bit 6: Bit 22: Bit 7: Bit 23: Bit 8: Bit 24: Bit 9: Bit 25: Bit 10: Bit 26: Bit 11: Bit 27: Bit 12: Bit 28: Bit 13: Bit 29: Bit 14: Bit 30: Bit 15: Bit 31: Bit 16: Bit 32: BACK DOOR MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (G) Reinitialize Flash Memory (F) Calculate Free Heap Memory (X) Display Stack Usage (A) Auto-Calibrate Compass (E) Save Parameters To EEPROM (I) Initialize Compass (W) Harware Test Menu (R) Reset Parameters To Defaults (U) User Menu (Y) Configuration Heap Usage (H) Help Item 1: 16777 (Processor Clock Speed) Item 2: 0 (RAM/ROM Wait States) Item 3: 60 (50/60 Hz Rejection For 18-bit ADC) Item 4: 18 (13/18 Bit Operation Of 18-bit ADC) Item 5: VOLTS (A To D Conversion Results) Item 6: YES (Expert Menu Mode) Item 7: 32768.00 (Real-time Clock Crystal Frequency At 25 Degrees C) Item 8: 0 (Speed vs. Noise Tradeoffs For 18-bit ADC, Factory Only) Item 9: 1.0000 (12-bit ADC Correction Factor) Item 10: 0 (Zero Offset Period in Seconds) Item 11: 500 (Low Freq. Sensor Timeout in msec) SENSOR MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Jn) Jump To Record n (A) Insert After This Record (N) Go To Next Record (B) Insert Before This Record (P) Go To Previous Record (X) Cut Record to Clipboard (XA) Delete ALL Records (C) Copy Record To Clipboard (Z) Zeno Program Menu (V) Paste Record From Clipboard (H) Help (Sn/m) Search Item n for Value m Sensor Items for Record 1 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 15 (GPS Receiver) Item 2: Sensor Name TRIMBGPS Item 3: Sensor Input Channel TTL INTERFACE Item 6: Switched Power Code 2 (5V SW'D B) Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 60 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 4 (57.0 seconds) Item 16: Retry Count 0 Item 17: Verify NMEA Checksum (0=No,1=Yes) 0 Item 18: Sensor Port Type RS232 Item 19: Sensor Baud Rate 4800 Sensor Items for Record 2 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 7 (Digital Frequency, f < 10 KHz) Item 2: Sensor Name WS_2 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 10 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 3 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 2 (2.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 0.098 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Sensor Items for Record 3 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 1 (12-bit Analog to Digital) Item 2: Sensor Name WD_2 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 8 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 2 (EXC = 2.50 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 2 (2.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 142 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 180 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 4 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 7 (Digital Frequency, f < 10 KHz) Item 2: Sensor Name WS_3 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 11 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 3 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 2 (2.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 0.098 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Sensor Items for Record 5 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 1 (12-bit Analog to Digital) Item 2: Sensor Name WD_3 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 9 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 2 (EXC = 2.50 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 2 (2.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 142 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 6 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name RTD_1 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel A1 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 1 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 1 (EXC = 1.25 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 7 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name R0_1 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel A2 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 4 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 1 (EXC = 1.25 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 8 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name RTD_2 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel A3 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 1 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 1 (EXC = 1.25 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 9 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name R0_2 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel A4 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 4 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 1 (EXC = 1.25 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 10 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name RTD_3 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel A5 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 1 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 1 (EXC = 1.25 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 11 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name R0_3 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel A6 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 4 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 1 (EXC = 1.25 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 12 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 2 (18-bit Single-Ended A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name V_AT Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 3- Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 4 Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 2 (EXC = 2.50 VDC) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 0.4 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 13 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 2 (18-bit Single-Ended A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name V_RH Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 3+ Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 2 Item 6: Switched Power Code 5 (12V SW'D C) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 100 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 14 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name V_TD Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 4 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 10 Item 6: Switched Power Code 5 (12V SW'D C) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 65 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 24 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C -60 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 15 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 3 (18-bit Differential A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name BP_1 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 5 Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 10 Item 6: Switched Power Code 3 (12V SW'D A) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 100.01 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 599.81 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 16 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 2 (18-bit Single-Ended A to D) Item 2: Sensor Name BP_2 Item 3: Sensor Input Channel 6- Item 4: Analog Channel Gain 1 Item 5: Analog Channel Attenuation 10 Item 6: Switched Power Code 4 (12V SW'D B) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 3 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 220.63 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C -0.35 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 17 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 1 (12-bit Analog to Digital) Item 2: Sensor Name VBATT Item 3: Sensor Input Channel BATTERY VOLTAGE Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 Sensor Items for Record 18 of 18: Item 1: Sensor Type Code 1 (12-bit Analog to Digital) Item 2: Sensor Name IntTemp Item 3: Sensor Input Channel INTERNAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR Item 6: Switched Power Code 0 (NO SWITCHED POWER) Item 7: Sensor Excitation Voltage Code 0 (NO EXCITATION VOLTAGE) Item 8: Switched Excitation Return 0 Item 9: Switched Power Warmup Time 0 Item 10: Sensor Sample Count 1 Item 11: Maximum Sensor Readings 0 Item 12: Sensor Timing Loop 3 (12.0 seconds) Item 13: Conversion Coefficient A 0 Item 14: Conversion Coefficient B 1 Item 15: Conversion Coefficient C 0 Item 17: No. of Additional 15-msec Delays 0 PROCESS MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Jn) Jump To Record n (A) Insert After This Record (N) Go To Next Record (B) Insert Before This Record (P) Go To Previous Record (X) Cut Record to Clipboard (XA) Delete ALL Records (C) Copy Record To Clipboard (Z) Zeno Program Menu (V) Paste Record From Clipboard (H) Help (Sn/m) Search Item n for Value m Process Items for Record 1 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 2 : Environmental Item 2: Process Number 1 : Wind Vector Average Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name WIND_2 Item 4: Input for Wind Speed S2 : WS_2 Item 5: Input for Wind Direction S3 : WD_2 Item 6: Input for Compass S0.1 Item 7: Wind Gust Window (1 to 5 secs.) 4 Process Items for Record 2 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 2 : Environmental Item 2: Process Number 1 : Wind Vector Average Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name WD_COND2 Item 4: Input for Wind Speed C1 Item 5: Input for Wind Direction S3 : WD_2 Item 6: Input for Compass S0.1 Item 7: Wind Gust Window (1 to 5 secs.) 4 Process Items for Record 3 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 13 : Conditional Select Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name CHK_SPD2 Item 4: Input for Control Data (C) P1.1 : WIND_2 Item 5: Input for Output if Control=0 (X) P2.2 : WD_COND2 Item 6: Input for Output if Control<0 (Y) P2.2 : WD_COND2 Item 7: Input for Output if Control>0 (Z) P1.2 : WIND_2 Process Items for Record 4 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 2 : Environmental Item 2: Process Number 1 : Wind Vector Average Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name WIND_3 Item 4: Input for Wind Speed S4 : WS_3 Item 5: Input for Wind Direction S5 : WD_3 Item 6: Input for Compass S0.1 Item 7: Wind Gust Window (1 to 5 secs.) 4 Process Items for Record 5 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 2 : Environmental Item 2: Process Number 1 : Wind Vector Average Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name WD_COND3 Item 4: Input for Wind Speed C1 Item 5: Input for Wind Direction S5 : WD_3 Item 6: Input for Compass S0.1 Item 7: Wind Gust Window (1 to 5 secs.) 4 Process Items for Record 6 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 13 : Conditional Select Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name CHK_SPD3 Item 4: Input for Control Data (C) P4.1 : WIND_3 Item 5: Input for Output if Control=0 (X) P5.2 : WD_COND3 Item 6: Input for Output if Control<0 (Y) P5.2 : WD_COND3 Item 7: Input for Output if Control>0 (Z) P4.2 : WIND_3 Process Items for Record 7 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 7 : Divide Data Values Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RTD/R0_1 Item 4: Input for Dividend (X) S6 : RTD_1 Item 5: Input for Divisor (Y) S7 : R0_1 Process Items for Record 8 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 12 : Polynomial Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RTD_T_1 Item 4: Input for Data (X) P7.1 : RTD/R0_1 Item 5: A6 Coefficient -6.36253e+08 Item 6: A5 Coefficient 3.49294e+08 Item 7: A4 Coefficient -7.9319e+07 Item 8: A3 Coefficient 9.53313e+06 Item 9: A2 Coefficient -638318 Item 10: A1 Coefficient 24987.1 Item 11: A0 Coefficient -573.448 Process Items for Record 9 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 7 : Divide Data Values Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RTD/R0_2 Item 4: Input for Dividend (X) S8 : RTD_2 Item 5: Input for Divisor (Y) S9 : R0_2 Process Items for Record 10 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 12 : Polynomial Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RTD_T_2 Item 4: Input for Data (X) P9.1 : RTD/R0_2 Item 5: A6 Coefficient -6.36253e+08 Item 6: A5 Coefficient 3.49294e+08 Item 7: A4 Coefficient -7.9319e+07 Item 8: A3 Coefficient 9.53313e+06 Item 9: A2 Coefficient -638318 Item 10: A1 Coefficient 24987.1 Item 11: A0 Coefficient -573.448 Process Items for Record 11 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 7 : Divide Data Values Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RTD/R0_3 Item 4: Input for Dividend (X) S10 : RTD_3 Item 5: Input for Divisor (Y) S11 : R0_3 Process Items for Record 12 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 12 : Polynomial Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RTD_T_3 Item 4: Input for Data (X) P11.1 : RTD/R0_3 Item 5: A6 Coefficient -6.36253e+08 Item 6: A5 Coefficient 3.49294e+08 Item 7: A4 Coefficient -7.9319e+07 Item 8: A3 Coefficient 9.53313e+06 Item 9: A2 Coefficient -638318 Item 10: A1 Coefficient 24987.1 Item 11: A0 Coefficient -573.448 Process Items for Record 13 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 4 : Special Sensor Item 2: Process Number 1 : NTC Thermistor Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name V_AT Item 4: Input for Thermistor Voltage S12 : V_AT Item 5: a-Coefficient 0.001288 Item 6: b-Coefficient 0.0002356 Item 7: c-Coefficient 9.557e-08 Item 8: R2 Resistance 4990 Item 9: Upper Limit 0 Item 10: Lower Limit 0 Item 11: BIT Flag Number (1 - 31) 0 Process Items for Record 14 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 1 : General Item 2: Process Number 2 : Averaging Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RH_AVE Item 4: Input for Average Data S13 : V_RH Process Items for Record 15 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 2 : Add Data & Constant Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RH_ADD Item 4: Input for Augend (X) P14.1 : RH_AVE Item 5: Constant Addend (Y) -100 Process Items for Record 16 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 4 : Subtract Data Values Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name RH_SUB Item 4: Input for Minuend (X) P14.1 : RH_AVE Item 5: Input for Subtrahend (Y) P15.1 : RH_ADD Process Items for Record 17 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 5 : Arithmetic Item 2: Process Number 13 : Conditional Select Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name V_RH Item 4: Input for Control Data (C) P15.1 : RH_ADD Item 5: Input for Output if Control=0 (X) P14.1 : RH_AVE Item 6: Input for Output if Control<0 (Y) P14.1 : RH_AVE Item 7: Input for Output if Control>0 (Z) P16.1 : RH_SUB Process Items for Record 18 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 1 : General Item 2: Process Number 2 : Averaging Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name V_TD Item 4: Input for Average Data S14 : V_TD Process Items for Record 19 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 2 : Environmental Item 2: Process Number 5 : Barometric Pressure Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name BP_1 Item 4: Input for Barometric Pressure S15 : BP_1 Process Items for Record 20 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 2 : Environmental Item 2: Process Number 5 : Barometric Pressure Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name BP_2 Item 4: Input for Barometric Pressure S16 : BP_2 Process Items for Record 21 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 1 : General Item 2: Process Number 2 : Averaging Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name VBATT Item 4: Input for Average Data S17 : VBATT Process Items for Record 22 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 3 : Alarm Item 2: Process Number 1 : BIT Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name BIT Process Items for Record 23 of 23: Item 1: Process Category 1 : General Item 2: Process Number 1 : Immediate Data Process Item 3: User-defined Process Name IntTemp Item 4: Input for Immediate Data S18 : IntTemp DATA OUTPUT MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (Jn) Jump To Record n (A) Insert After This Record (N) Go To Next Record (B) Insert Before This Record (P) Go To Previous Record (X) Cut Record to Clipboard (XA) Delete ALL Records (C) Copy Record To Clipboard (Z) Zeno Program Menu (V) Paste Record From Clipboard (H) Help (Sn/m) Search Item n for Value m Data Items for Record 1 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 6 : Literal String Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name Data Items for Record 2 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 4 : Primary Unit ID Number Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Data Items for Record 3 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 3 : Timestamp Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Data Items for Record 4 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name GPS_DATE Item 4: Input Record S1.13 : TRIMBGPS Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 10 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 8 : 4-byte floating point Data Items for Record 5 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name GPS_UTC Item 4: Input Record S1.3 : TRIMBGPS Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 10 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 8 : 4-byte floating point Data Items for Record 6 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WS_2m Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 7 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WD_2m Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 8 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WG_2m Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 9 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name SD_2m Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 10 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WS_10m Item 4: Input Record P1.1 : WIND_2 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 11 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WD_10m Item 4: Input Record P3.1 : CHK_SPD2 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 3 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 4 : 2-byte unsigned integer Data Items for Record 12 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WG_10m Item 4: Input Record P1.7 : WIND_2 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 13 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name SD_10m Item 4: Input Record P1.6 : WIND_2 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 3 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 4 : 2-byte unsigned integer Data Items for Record 14 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WS_20m Item 4: Input Record P4.1 : WIND_3 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 15 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WD_20m Item 4: Input Record P6.1 : CHK_SPD3 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 3 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 4 : 2-byte unsigned integer Data Items for Record 16 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name WG_20m Item 4: Input Record P4.7 : WIND_3 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 17 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name SD_20m Item 4: Input Record P4.6 : WIND_3 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 3 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 4 : 2-byte unsigned integer Data Items for Record 18 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name BP_1 Item 4: Input Record P19.1 : BP_1 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 19 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name BP_2 Item 4: Input Record P20.1 : BP_2 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 20 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name TSL_TA Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 21 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name HMP_TD Item 4: Input Record P18.1 : V_TD Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 22 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name V_AT Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 23 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name V_RH Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 24 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name RTD_AT_1 Item 4: Input Record P8.1 : RTD_T_1 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 25 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name RTD_AT_2 Item 4: Input Record P10.1 : RTD_T_2 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 26 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name RTD_AT_3 Item 4: Input Record P12.1 : RTD_T_3 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 27 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name PRECIP_1 Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 28 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name PRECIP_2 Item 4: Input Record C20 Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 3 : 2-byte signed integer Data Items for Record 29 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name VBATT Item 4: Input Record P21.1 : VBATT Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 30 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name BIT Item 4: Input Record P22.L1 : BIT Item 5: Field Decimal Places 0 Item 6: Field Width 6 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 6 : 4-byte unsigned integer Data Items for Record 31 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name IntTemp Item 4: Input Record P23.1 : IntTemp Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float Data Items for Record 32 of 32: Item 1: Field Type Code 9 : Transmit and Log Data Field Item 2: Output Message(s) 1 Item 3: Field Name V_TD Item 4: Input Record P18.1 : V_TD Item 5: Field Decimal Places 1 Item 6: Field Width 5 Item 7: Data Storage Class Code 7 : 2-byte compressed float GENERAL SERIAL SCRIPT MENU (Cn/m) Change Line n to m (X) Delete this Script (In) Insert Line n (Jn) Jump to Script n (Rn) Remove Line n (N) Go to Next Script (En) Erase Line n (P) Go to Previous Script (L) Delete All Lines (XA) Delete All Scripts (A) Insert After this Script (Z) Zeno Program Menu (B) Insert Before this Script (H) Help Script Lines for Script 1 of 1 Line 1: NO_COMMAND SENSOR TIMING LOOP MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (H) Help (Z) Zeno Program Menu Item 1: 0.5 (Timing Loop #1 Period) Item 2: 2.0 (Timing Loop #2 Period) Item 3: 12.0 (Timing Loop #3 Period) Item 4: 57.0 (Timing Loop #4 Period) OUTPUT MESSAGE TIMING MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (H) Help (Z) Zeno Program Menu Item 1: COM3 (Data Output Message #1 COM Port) Item 2: COM3 (Data Output Message #2 COM Port) Item 3: COM3 (Data Output Message #3 COM Port) Item 4: COM3 (Data Output Message #4 COM Port) Item 5: 0.0 (Data Output Message #1 Period) Item 6: 0.0 (Data Output Message #2 Period) Item 7: 0.0 (Data Output Message #3 Period) Item 8: 0.0 (Data Output Message #4 Period) Item 9: 0 (Record Counter Starting Value) Item 10: 0 (Record Counter Reset Value) MEMORY MANAGEMENT MENU (Cn/m) Change Item n To Value m (H) Help (Z) Zeno Program Menu Item 1: 0 (COM1 GSI Memory Size in Bytes) Item 2: 0 (COM2 GSI Memory Size in Bytes) Item 3: 0 (COM3 GSI Memory Size in Bytes) * !!SYSTEM TRANSFER COMPLETE. * Turn Off File Capture Now. * Enter Any Key To Continue. EOF