Retrieval Of WX Data If Intercept Shuts Down (Using Hyperterminal) 1. Restore Intercept and CLOSE PROGRAM. Hyperterminal will not connect uf program is open. 2. Open Hyperterminal from shortcut on Desktop. - Cancel out of Name - If screen comes up asking for a phone #, enter any area code. - Go to Files/Properties -Connect using: COMM 1 - Go to Configure- Enter: Bits per second (Baud Rate): 9600 Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity: None Flow control: None (See Page 7 of User Manual) 3. Hit Save (or OK) 4. Go to Call, Connect 5. Wait 1 minute 6. Type "U", enter to access User Interface 7. Type "D", for Data Retrieval Menu 8. Start FILE TEXT CAPTURE mode before entering ANY data retrievel command (See page 56 in Uder Manual) 9. Then see pages 54-55 for Data Retrieval options 10. Restart Intercept.